Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What You Should Read This Week... Because I Said So

Last week I had so much fun NOT writing a blog post that I've decided I'll do it again.

Why? Because the Internet is fun, and if any of y'all are at all like me, then you, too, struggle to find good shit on the World Wide Web and rely on others to tell you what to read. Welp, folks, I'm here to fill that role.

No, really, your Internet preferences are invalid. Right now, all that matters is what I instruct you to consume.

Ok. I am sorry. That was quite rude of me. Please let me make apologize via a dapper owl portrait.

We squaresies now? Good. Because I really did feel awful.

Now, here is the list of sites I INSIST  you view:

1) Book shelf porn

No, really. Go. To. This. Site. Because when you do, you will see this...

And this...

Seriously, all this website includes is row upon sexy row of pictures of scrumptious bookshelves. And if that doesn't turn you on, then there's something wrong with you, and we can't be kindred spirits.

2) What We've All Been Waiting For... Seriously

Um, look at this.

Because A Study of Stuff readers aren't asshats, we NEVER presume to know what another creature is thinking. Which is why we are all THRILLED that science has actually produced a new invention that will (no joke) TRANSLATE OUR PETS' THOUGHTS INTO REAL, AUDIBLE, UNDERSTANDABLE WORDS. For realz, folks, your mind should be blown. The future looks ah-MAY-zing!

3) Serious Stuff About the Gays and Religion

Some serious finger wagging is in order.

In case you've been living under a rock, let me fill you in. Arizona legislators are pursing policy that allows business owners to REFUSE SERVICE to lesbians, gay, transgenders, and queers because they claim that this Jim Crow-esque bigotry is the business owners' way of acting on their right to RELIGIOUS FREEDOM.

Just... just...

For the record, I know that not all Christians support this legislation, and I know that the people who are trying to push this through do not represent the large majority of the religious right. That being said, screw these people. What they're doing is just wrong. This article beautifully and poignantly argues how Christ would've facepalmed if he were here today.

Seriously, if you read nothing else I ever link to on this blog, please let it be this article. I feel that strongly about it.


Okay. I feel badly ending this whole blog on such a sad note. So, here's a please-leave-this-blog-feeling-smiley picture. Enjoy!

Oh, and if that doesn't do it, then this better...

Alrighty. I'm really done now. Bekah out!

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