Saturday, December 7, 2013

Bring On The Sweet Talk

ROMANTIC ROUNDUP: Wherein Chris and Bekah share their favorite conversations from the last few weeks


Chris: Wait. Are we having a fight, and I don't know about it?
Bekah: What do you think?
Chris: I think you should get back to me about it, and then I'll know how sorry I should be.


Bekah: (Walking into the kitchen after sleeping in late) What time is it?
Chris: (Looks at his watch) 9:11
(Small Pause For Effect)
Chris: And you said you'd never forget.


Bekah: My feet really hurt, you know, because of my ... oh, what's that disease? My PCOS? No. That's not it. The other one...
Chris: Cancer?
Bekah: No, the other one.
Chris: Your depression?
Bekah: No, the one after that.
Chris: Your anxiety disorder.
Bekah: No! Ha! I remember now. My plantar fasciitis! 
Chris: I forgot you had that one.


Bekah: I really miss Mac (our kitten that recently had to be put down). I'm starting to forget things about him. At least I have a lot of pictures of him.
Chris: I'm surprised you haven't started cat scrapbooking.
(Small, pondering pause)
Chris: NO! I will NOT have a Booger Book (Booger is our current cat) that you show to our guests. 
Bekah: (Pouting) But why can't I just have just one scrapbook? A tasteful one. I mean, it'd help me pass the time while I HAVE CANCER!
Chris: I am not amused.


Bekah: "It's getting harder to breathe."
Chris: "Maybe (mumbles) should go to the gym." 
Bekah: "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY? Did you tell your wife who going through cancer treatments that she would just get over breathing problems by GOING TO THE GYM? What is WRONG with you?!? Why don't you just go ahead and call me fat???"
Chris: Woah. What do you think I said?
Bekah: That I should start going to the gym.
Chris: No, I said that I should start going to the gym. My shirt shrunk. I mean, Jesus, that's harsh even for me.
Bekah: Is it? Is it really? Because the day after we put down our one cat, you threatened to put down the other, just because you thought it was funny, even though I was devastated.
Chris: Wow. I am sort of kind of an ass.
Bekah: Yuuuuup.


Bekah: (Regarding shrieking fire alarm) I think something in the oven is burning.
Chris: Stop back-seat cooking, woman!
Bekah: I'm pretty sure something is wrong.
Chris: Yeah... with our smoke detectors.
Bekah: No. I think something is wrong with supper in the oven.
Chris: Shit!
(Pulls this from the bottom of the oven. It's his forgotten breakfast)


Bekah: Baby, could I use the computer for a bit?
Chris: But I'm gaming.
Bekah: I just need it for awhile for my school work.
Chris: Fine.
(Stomps out of room. Sound of knives being sharpened.)
Bekah: Subtle, Chris. Reeeeeeeeeeal subtle!
Chris: It wasn't meant to be. 

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